'I feel soo frustrated'...chances are i've said this many times, either out loud or in my mind... I am in deep appreciation of those miraculous things occuring which i completely fail to understand. Comfort seems to me uncomfortable at this moment. I am drained out, dejected, frustrated and what not!
Did i just say i need a hug?
Its best to let the part go ofcourse, but its giving me weird sensations.
I would like to have the peace of knowing that troublemakers are far far away..Too far to really make any trouble. To most people around me trouble makers dont really exist..they like to believe its the crazy part of me who thinks that d world is after my happiness and nothing else but good ol words of ' r u freaking mad', ' ur thinking wayy too much' and 'i think ur plane jane stupid' should do the trick and keep me quiet.
But hey guys, u dont always need people to cause troubles for u na...It comes in various shapes and sizes and at different times in our lives. u may not know...wats hunky dory today mite just turn out to be a pain in d ass later..but yaaa as the saying goes 'we rather live in d present'..(makes me feel better)
I am a romantic person...atleast thats wat i wud like to believe. Yaa, no doubt tht i got out of my utopia thing but i do need a dose of 'everythings gonna be okay' stuff at times..I am soo sickened at myself for allowing people to be in my life who shudnt have been there. For allowing those who were wicked to drag me down. I had my whole world out dere full of happiness, I was on a new high doing things tht were meant to make make me and ppl around me happy. But then, what the hell?
Am such a dreamer..I miss stuff and all kiddish gestures, making castles and living like a princess with such awesumness around.Crazy, was I?
I miss being unwavering. I dont want the impossible.For once, i want things to be my way. I want more than i can have right now....
14 years ago
it wud be so much better tht ppl came wid tags ryt????u kno a halo kind of a thing which has things like "jack ass", "wicked" etc etc written over!!!!
but then thts the fun of it....u get to tag ppl(like facebook!!!)
ya i guess...on second thoughts can i have a halo..more like a secret energy thing tht repels d 'jack ass' and 'wicked'sorts..i'd only hv d good ones around..life would be soo much easy den!
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